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Anti-Vaping Information

Posted Date: 05/20/2022


The Beauregard Parish School Board has always held our students’ education, safety and health at its highest priorities. As we continue to assess the issues our students are facing as the youth of our community, it has become evident that vaping is one of the riskiest and damaging activities that they could engage in at their age.  In order to combat the health risk dangers that vaping presents to our students, the Beauregard Parish School board will implement a multiple step process to attempt to alter the path that many of our students are currently taking.  

In the fall of 2021, students in grades 5-12 will participate in a new curriculum titled “Catch My Breath.”  This four lesson program will be taught at school by certified teachers in an effort to educate our students on the dangers and addictiveness of vaping. The purpose of Catch My Breath is to convince students of two thoughts: 1) if they are vaping now, then STOP.  2) if they aren’t vaping, then NEVER START.   To see a short video concerning the “Catch My Breath” program, please click HERE to go to the link.

In addition to the new preventive curriculum, many of our schools will be installing vape sensors to alert school-level administration that vaping is occurring in the building.  These sensors are proven to be highly effective in the detection of vaping and we believe this aspect will help in the fight against vaping.

Regardless of how hard we try and what is implemented in our schools, we are but a small part in providing guidance to our students concerning their health. We encourage parents to talk to their students about the dangers and risks of vaping.  Together, we believe that we can stem the tide of this addictive and health impairing activity that far too many of our students are having to face on a daily basis.